Monthly Archives: April 2018


A1. 5 min row @ 2:12, Rest 1 min

2:12.0, 2:12.0, 2:12.0. Row is feeling great! Plenty of room to go faster
A2. Internal Hip Rotations 10 alt. reps, Rest 30 sec
*The drill starts at about 2:30 in.

A3. 3 Cone Touch drill- touch each cone 3 times on each side, 10 sec. transition back to rower

completed — did this with shoes on this week and definitely prefer it barefoot
B1. 5 min AB @ 230W, Rest 1 min

235w, 237w, 232w. Had some trouble settling in — was around 240w mostly, because I didn’t want to hold pace at 228w and come in “slow” if that makes sense. This was harder than the row pace, but I think I could hold 235 ave next week for all 3 sets
B2. 10 Lying banded abduction ea. side, Rest 30 sec.


B3. 10 Standing banded adduction ea. side, 10 sec. transition back to rower

A1. 30 sec. T-spine extension stretch on GHD x3
A2. 1 min. thread the needle ea. side x3

As completed as well!


10 min cyclical warm up of your choice

55 cal bike
Bench Press- 3-5 sets of 5 @ 90% of last week’s heavy 5

completed 5 sets – 115lbs. Felt I could have held this for 3-5 more sets
Acculumate 12 lean-away strict pull-ups @ 41X2
*Do these in singles and rest as needed between reps to maintain quality


Accumulate 10 HSPU negatives- as slow as possible
*Rest as needed between reps to maintain quality
(If this bothers your shoulder. switch to facing away from wall. If it still bothers you, skip it)

completed — did 7 reps with an ab mat (because I felt like the last bit of ROM was maybe what bothered me last time). Then did 3 reps with normal ROM. shoulder held up for both!


4 rounds for quality:
A1. 20 sec. bent knee straddle hang
A2. 10 alt. bird-dogs w/ 5 sec hold at top of each rep
A3. 3 KB around-the-worlds ea. way (slow reps)
A4. 30 sec. arch body hold

As all completed — used 16kg for the ATW which was a little aggressive


Also, went to see my massage/accupuncture guy Fri AM and he opened up my upper back a little/did some accupuncture on my subscap. He said it looked like subscap was just a little pissed off. He gave me some exercises to do as well, which are basically PAILs/RAILs doorframe and whatever ROM is pain-free in a wall angel.



A1. 8 RFE split squats ea. x4, Rest 1 min

25lbs per hand all sets. Legs were a little sore from wallballs so semi-regretted my choice of weight during the first set, but then things loosened up a bit

A2. 8 2-DB RDLs x4, Rest 1 min

20lbs first then 25lbs for remaining sets. Lower back felt tight in the bottom of the reps. No pain, just tension (similar to what I mentioned in last Sat DLs). Just felt like I couldn’t loosen up.

B1. 10 Glute Bridge with Isometric Hip Flexion (each) x3 

completed. these were tough!
B2. 10 Band Resisted Leg Scissors (each) x3 

8 sets:
30 sec. on/ 30 sec. off, rotating between the following movements:
1.HS hold w/ T-spine extension focus (kick up facing away from wall 1ft away from wall, try to push chest through and get into as much t-spine extension as possible)
2. Single leg sorensen hold (15 sec. L leg/ 15 sec. R)
3. Side plank rotations
4. Double KB Front rack hold (challenging weight)
*Focus on keeping a strong core position
5. Hollow body hold

All completed — used 20kg/hand again for the FR holds. Hollow body holds got tough – sorenson holds felt stronger than last week
C. 90-90 Hip Sequence: 1 min in each stretch (ea. side), 5 Rotations (ea. side/leg), 5 transfers(if you can’t do these, that’s okay- stick to the first two drills) (ea. direction) x3 (of entire sequence)
C1. 1 min. calf foam roll (ea.) x3
C2. 2 min Toe elevated ankle dorsiflexion stretch with banded ankle distraction (ea. side) x3



1 push press+ 1 push jerk + 1 split jerk x5
*Build by feel through sets, rest 2 min

85, 95, 95, 105, 115

85/95 didn’t feel great, but things loosened up and 105/115 actually felt better. Nothing too heavy though, still room to add

A1. 1 strict ring dip + 5-10 sec. support hold x4, Rest 1 min

completed, definitely more like a 5 second hold each time. Tried to externally rotate the rings as much as possible during the hold

A2. 3-5 chin ups x4, Rest 1 min

3 reps each set. First two reps were fast-ish, third rep was not

B1. 10-20 sec. ring to chest hold in false grip in an inverted row position (try w/ your feet elevated and body parallel, if this is too difficult, feet on ground) x4, Rest 1 min

Completed, :10 hold each time. So, the first round (the only one I videoed) I did feet on ground, but since that felt OK, I upgraded to the inverted row position. Limiter is definitely my shitty false grip
B2. AMRAP Pike HSPU (toes on box) x4, Rest 1 min

5, 5, 4, 3. Video actually looked better than how not piked I felt. Hamstrings and hip flexors were limiting positioning on this as well

C. C/O Symmetry Iron Scap protocol

EMOM 10 min:
4 BFB + AMRAP wallballs (cap at 45 sec. each minute)

Was assuming BFB = bar facing burpees? Used the new standard, which makes me slow.

WBs were 10, 10, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 6, 6. Didn’t really slow down much on the burpees, I just didn’t want to push hard at the end of and do more wallballs 😛
15 min cyclical cooldown of your choice

bike slowly


A. 2 hang squat snatches (above knee) x5, Rest as needed
*start light and build by feel

Went 65, 65, 65, 75, 75

As I mentioned in the other email, front of R shoulder was still feeling shitty and it didn’t improve as I warmed up so kept this super-light
B1. 2 slow snatch pull @ 85-95% (6 sec. from ground to hip) x4, Rest 1 min

105, 110, 115, 115
B2. 3 Snatch balances x4, Rest 2 min
*Light load, focus on speed and stability in catch

65lbs all sets, see above
C. 3 BS @ 85% x4, Rest 3 min

Used 175lbs — accidentally did 5 reps in the first set but otherwise everything completed

Noticed that similar to last week, my lower back feels a little weird after the back squats. No pain, just tight/compressed by the squats. That’s not something I’ve noticed before last week, so will try and warm up more/take more time to warm up DLs after squats and see if that  helps?

D. EMOM 6: 3 banded DL @ 60-75% *Slight weight increase from last week
*Focus on keeping lats active and tension in upper back to keep the bar close to you

Went up to 175lbs — realized that back was tight (see above), but DLs weren’t making it worse/didn’t have any pain
4 rounds:
8 rope pull-ups (4L/ 4R)
50ft 2-KB FR walking lunge (choose a weight that you can maintain unbroken sets with)

Skipped this — was feeling a bit frustrated with all the issues above and was a little pressed for time for staff event


A1. 5 min row @ 2:13, Rest 1 min
A2. Internal Hip Rotations 10 alt. reps, Rest 30 sec
*The drill starts at about 2:30 in.
A3. 3 Cone Touch drill- touch each cone 3 times on each side, 10 sec. transition back to rower

Row splits: 2:13.0 for all 3 sets, feeling good there

My internal rotations is shitty (L side feels worse than R):

B1. 5 min AB @ 220W, Rest 1 min
B2. 10 Lying banded abduction ea. side, Rest 30 sec.
B3. 10 Standing banded adduction ea. side, 10 sec. transition back to rower

Ave watts: 220, 225, 224

This felt a little harder to hold than the row, but obviously I am capable of doing it. Just had to push a little
A1. 30 sec. T-spine extension stretch on GHD x3
A2. 1 min. thread the needle ea. side x3

Completed. A1 felt great, but a little intense in the front of R shoulder area that is giving me trouble right now


10 min cyclical warm up of your choice

Bike, 60 cal
Bench Press- build to a heavy 5 without pushing to failure

125lbs, last rep was a little slow so I stopped there

Accumulate 10 lean-away strict pull-ups @ 41X2
*Do these in singles and rest as needed between reps to maintain quality

completed — these got tough. Supersetted with the HSPU negatives, let me know if that’s OK for next week

Accumulate 10 HSPU negatives- as slow as possible
*Rest as needed between reps to maintain quality

completed. these were tough too. Had a little bit of pain in front of R shoulder right at the bottom of the rep for these, so I will try and loosen up the front of shoulders/keep an eye on that

3 rounds for quality:
A1. 20 sec. bent knee straddle hang

completed, tough on the outer hip flexors
A2. 10 alt. bird-dogs w/ 5 sec hold at top of each rep

completed, need to work on complete straightening the legs a bit more

A3. 3 KB around-the-worlds ea. way (slow reps)

completed, 12kg
A4. 30 sec. arch body hold

completed. these feel better for me than the arch rocks


A1. 3 depth drop to box jump x5, Rest as needed

20″, 22″, 24″, 24″, 26″. Wasn’t feeling particularly springy at the beginning, but got better as I warmed up

A2. 5 band assisted vertical jumps x5, Rest as needed

completed, red band
B1. 3 around the world medball slams ea. x5, Rest as needed

completed, 15lbs
B2. 8 medball punches AFAP x5, Rest as needed

completed…I googled this last week and got a version that was similar but punching the ball against the wall, so that’s what I did this week as well, whoops 15lbs
C1. 6 lateral skater jumps for speed x4, Rest as needed
C2. 3 broad jumps for max distance (rest as needed between reps) x4, Rest as needed

6 sets:
30 sec. on/ 30 sec. off, rotating between the following movements:
1.HS hold w/ T-spine extension focus (kick up facing away from wall 1ft away from wall, try to push chest through and get into as much t-spine extension as possible)

Completed…plenty of room for improvement:

2. Single leg sorensen hold (15 sec. L leg/ 15 sec. R)

these are getting better, L hamstring/leg feels almost even with the R
3. Side plank rotations

4. Double KB Front rack hold (challenging weight)
*Focus on keeping a strong core position

used 20kg/hand, will see if I can up to 24kg next time?
5. Hollow body hold



EMOM 10 min:
2 Split Jerk (off rack or blocks)
*Bring the bar back down into the front rack after both reps as if you were going to cycle another rep.

105, 105, 125, 125, 125, 125, 125, 135, 135, 135

Same deal here — made myself start and end a little heavier. Jerks themselves don’t feel heavy (and I am starting to like the higher elbow start position more), bringing the weight down still limits me


A1. 10-25 sec. bottom of the dip hold x4, Rest 1 min
*As much shoulder extension as you can get into comfortably

:10 for all rounds. Limiter here is my pecs/shoulder start to feel like they’re going to explode! Haha, don’t know how else to describe it

A2. 2-3 feet elevated rope pulls (body should not touch ground) x4, Rest 1 min
*Down and up = 1 rep

Completed — much better set-up and body position this week

B1. 5-7 single arm ring rows w/ 3 count eccentric ea. x4, Rest 1 min

5 reps per round
B2. 2-3 slow controlled wall-walks w/ push-up x4, Rest 1 min

2 reps per round – shoulders were definitely getting tired by the end of this

C1. 3 single arm elevated push-up negatives w/ 7 count eccentric ea. x4, Rest 1 min
*Place one hand on a 45# plate, other on ground. Perform push-up+negative

completed…7 seconds is tough!!!
C2 5 scap pull-ups w/ 3 count hold at max retraction ea. rep x4, Rest 1 min

5 sets @ high/sprint effort:
9 cal AB
13 cal Row
*Rest:Work 2:1
(Ex. if set takes 2 mins, rest 4 mins)

1:02, 1:04, 1:06, 1:12, 1:10

Felt a little more prepared for how much this was gonna suck this week. Again, still able to hold above 700 watts and above 1500 cal/hour for the first interval plus a little, but then a slightly drop off. Quads were very lit after this.
5-10 min bike cooldown



Went for a 2 hour hike in the AM and then didn’t get to this until 6-7pm at night. Not my usual/preferred workout time, but it was nice to get some time off my feet between hiking and lifting.

A. 2 hang squat snatches (above knee) x5, Rest as needed
*start light and build by feel

75, 80 85, 95, 100. Forced myself to break into the triples digits. Felt a little lighter than lifting from the high hang, but based on the videos, I really didn’t feel like I was finishing my pull well

B1. 2 slow snatch pull @ 80-90% (6 sec. from ground to hip) x4, Rest 1 min

100, 115, 115, 115

B2. 3 Snatch balances x4, Rest 2 min
*Light load, focus on speed and stability in catch

65 then 75lbs for the 3 remaining sets. Felt pretty fast/stable at this weight, but really out of practice on dropping the bar on my back

C. 5 BS @ 80% x3, Rest 3 min

Used 165lbs for all 3 sets. Was focusing on controlling the eccentric of the lift and not just plummeting down, which went well, but also felt like I didn’t have a lot of “pop” on the way up.

D. EMOM 6: 3 banded DL @ 60-75% 
*Focus on keeping lats active and tension in upper back to keep the bar close to you

Lower back was feeling a little tight going into this so err’d on the lighter side. Went 140lbs + nude band all sets.


4 rounds:
AMRAP inverted BB rows (bar at hip height- chest touches bar)
100ft walking lunge

10, 10, 9, 8 for the inverted row. Didn’t time this