
A1. 3 depth drop to box jump x5, Rest as needed

20″, 22″, 24″, 24″, 26″. Wasn’t feeling particularly springy at the beginning, but got better as I warmed up

A2. 5 band assisted vertical jumps x5, Rest as needed

completed, red band
B1. 3 around the world medball slams ea. x5, Rest as needed

completed, 15lbs
B2. 8 medball punches AFAP x5, Rest as needed

completed…I googled this last week and got a version that was similar but punching the ball against the wall, so that’s what I did this week as well, whoops 15lbs
C1. 6 lateral skater jumps for speed x4, Rest as needed
C2. 3 broad jumps for max distance (rest as needed between reps) x4, Rest as needed

6 sets:
30 sec. on/ 30 sec. off, rotating between the following movements:
1.HS hold w/ T-spine extension focus (kick up facing away from wall 1ft away from wall, try to push chest through and get into as much t-spine extension as possible)

Completed…plenty of room for improvement:

2. Single leg sorensen hold (15 sec. L leg/ 15 sec. R)

these are getting better, L hamstring/leg feels almost even with the R
3. Side plank rotations 

4. Double KB Front rack hold (challenging weight)
*Focus on keeping a strong core position

used 20kg/hand, will see if I can up to 24kg next time?
5. Hollow body hold


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