Monthly Archives: July 2018


A. Build to a heavy single OHS w/ 10 sec. hold at bottom (no more than 3 attempts w/ full hold)*Don’t push to failure- think of this as a max while maintaining perfect mechanics

Made it to 125, damn that was tough

B. 8 RDLs x4, Rest 2 min

85, 105, 105, 105
C. 10 2-KB front rack squats (heels elevated on 10-15# plates) @ 3311 tempo x3, Rest 2 min

used 12kg KBs for all sets, this really burned the hip flexors

3-4 sets:
10 1/2 ROM GHS sit-ups (to parallel)
10 alt. bird-dogs w/ 5 sec. hold ea. rep
20 sec. star side plank ea. 
20 alt. DB romanian twists w/ feet elevated
*Move directly from one movement to another. Rest 2-3 min. between sets

3 rounds completed
20 min. cyclical of your choice (keep effort level conversational or just above.)

haha walked uphill home from the gym (45 min). does that count??


Running form drills (just 1 round of each- think of this as prep for the run):
A. Wall A position hold 20 sec. ea. leg
*Get into as much hip flexion as you can
B. Walking A March- 25 ft
C. Walking A Skip- 25ft
D. Walking B Walk- 25ft
E. Walking B Skips- 25ft
(keep these slow, if needed, stick to the B walk for 2 more sets)

Did everything except the B skips — got some help from a friend who was a high-level sprinter so I think actually did a better job of these today 🙂 She did make fun of my arm movement though.

20-30 min easy pace jog

completed about 22 min, felt great to move nice and slow.
5 min walk w/ focus on longer exhales than inhales 



3 Rounds for QUALITY (work @ about 75%)
50ft Sled Push (moderate)
50ft Sandbag Carry @ 100#
50 Double-unders
50ft OH Yoke Carry (empty)
50ft HOH Sled Drag (moderate)
.5 mile AB
I forget the exact weights used– was able to move steady on everything except the DU (felt wayyy out of practice here, had to break up every set), and the OH Yoke carry (broke that up every round except the last round)

Shoulder movement:
A. Crossover Symmetry – 1 cycle of the recovery protocol

B1. Face-down shoulder swimmers – 3 x 5; rest as needed
B2. Side-lying Shoulder Windmill – 3 x 5 ea side; rest as needed
B3. PVC Face-down Pass-through – 3 x 5 slow/controlled reps; rest as needed
B4. 3 prone shoulder external rotation lift offs: 10 sec. internal rotation isometric + 10 sec. external rotation lift-off (use elbow as the point where you create pressure into the ground.) ea. side x3, Rest as needed
All Bs completed, except for B4…managed to skip that somehow?


4 min. AB @ 70-75%
30 sec. wall-facing HS hold
AMRAP V-ups in 1 minute
*Rest 30 sec

190 ave watts, 20 V-ups

190 ave watts, 20 V-ups
4 min. Row @ 2:00-2:05 pace
45 sec. front plank
AMRAP supermen in 1 minute
*Rest 30 sec

Backed off the row pace a little…

2:10, 23

2:10, 22

800m run @ 75% effort
20 walking lunge steps
15 russian KBS @ 53#
*Rest 30 sec

didn’t time the runs, but this one completed as well

Felt great to move and catch some sun!


*Movement focus day: Shoulders and hips 
A1. 3 Tempo RNT OHS @ 3333 x3, Rest 1 min
*Use crossover symmetry bands

Completed…crossover bands weren’t available so just used tiny bands

A2. 3 Pressing snatch balance x3, Rest 1 min
*5 sec. eccentric- 5 sec. hold at bottom. During hold, try to pull your hips as close to being underneath your torso as possible (squeeze you glutes to “pull” hips under torso while driving knees out as much as you can- without rotating your feet out of your normal squat stance)
**Video shows snatch balance but not isometric contraction at bottom

Completed, using empty bar. Really hard to pull my hips forward more, feels like my ankles and hips grind to a halt.


A3. 20 sec. single leg semi-straight leg hamstring isometric contraction ea. x3, Rest 1 min

B1. Hip Ext. Rotation PAIL/RAIL in modified Pigeon: 1 min passive stretch+ 10-15 sec PAIL- driving knee down + 10-15 sec. RAIL- lift heel 

completed – i found the RAIL really hard to “organize” mentally — like finding where to tense up was difficult.
B2. Straight legged hip internal rotation on box 5 ea. side x3
*Use a lower box if your HS are limiting you 

completed..used a lot lower of a box lol. Internal rotation is definitely limited
B3. 50 ft spiderman crawl x3

B4. 1 min rotating plank (20 sec. L/20 sec. middle/ 20 sec right) x3



For 30 min @ conversational pace:
1k row
1 mile AB
50ft bear crawl
50ft bear crawl backwards
50ft duck walk
50ft duck walk backwards
10 turkish getups ea. side (light-moderate KB)

Completed just under 2 rounds, didn’t get to the TGU in the second round. Used a 12kg for the TGU, and found that surprisingly challenging on the R arm. To be fair ,was doing sets of 5 per arm before trading, but R arm was challenge. Rowed around 2:30 pace, bike around 200 watts
Accumulate (for quality)
50 hollow rocks
50 arch rocks
50 double leg seated pikes
1 min. in a side star plank ea. side
**Break up all movements and rest as needed to maintain quality

completed – broke up rocks into sets of 10, pikes into 10s and then 5s :P, star plank into :10 increments (hips were really feeling these!)


Running form drills (just 1 round of each- think of this as prep for the run):
A. Wall A position hold 20 sec. ea. leg
*Get into as much hip flexion as you can
B. Walking A March- 25 ft
C. Walking A Skip- 25ft
D. Walking B Walk- 25ft
E. Walking B Skips- 25ft
(keep these slow, if needed, stick to the B walk for 2 more sets)

Skipped all these…was feeling anxious about the run and wanted to get it over with 😦
For time: 2 mile run

17:48, which is just over a minute improvement! Super happy about that. Also, all my 400m splits (besides the last one) were with 2-3 seconds of my 2:15 pace goal. Ended on a 2:01 400m.
5 min walk w/ focus on longer exhales than inhale



Build to a heavy single OHS

Stoped at 135 because it was a little wobbly on the way up. Definitely need to build comfort here, because I feel like this could improve a lot.

Build to a heavy single strict press

120 – best ever is 135, but in recent history, I seem to be around 115-120ish.

6 RFT:
10 chin ups
10 push-ups
10 alt. DB snatch @ 35#
10 Burpees

total time 23:47. Chin-ups were what slowed me way way down. Did all single reps. First round took about 3 min, and then settled into around a 4 min per round pace. Split up push-ups 5-5 from the beginning and that never changed. Didn’t rush the other two parts.
A. Prone PVC lifts- accumulate 20 reps (2.5# plate on PVC)

B. Banded hollow pull-downs- 30 sec on, 1 min rest x3

completed…:30 on is hard, had to regress to knees bent and a smaller band

C. Standing arch/hollow- 30 sec. on, 1 min. rest x3



Build to a technical single squat snatch for the day
Hit 125 a little messy and stopped there. Everything prior felt good! Just built slow, making 5lbs jumps from 105lbs on.

A1. 6-8 sandbag kang squats @ 100# x5, Rest as needed
completed 6 reps per round, arms got tired before legs here, but could have done 8 reps if I fought through the burn a little bit more

A2. 50ft 2-DB OH WL (20-35# ea.) x5, Rest as needed
used 20lbs per hand, all sets completed

B1. 20-30 sec. hollow body hold (focus on squeezing your butt and getting into as much hip extension as you can while not letting your lower back come off of the ground. Make sure that your shoulder blades are elevated off of the ground but the lower you can get your legs to the ground while maintining that hip ext and full lower back- the better) x3, Rest as needed
Held for :20 per round to try and ensure really good positions

B2. 4-8 glute ham raises x3, Rest as needed
Ahah ha I am really bad at these. Did 4 negatives per round instead

50ft sled push (heavy) x4, Rest 2 min
Notes to self for repeatability – did this inside, on rubber flooring with the dogsled-style sled. Added 2x45lbs + 1x25lbs plates. All rounds took :24, could increase weight slightly


30 min HS drill work: (cycle through these drills by feel)
-tripod hold
-tripod hold with knee lifts (start w/ single and build to double if you feel good)
–Wall-facing HS Hold w/ rebalancing
-HS Tick-tock
-HS forward roll progression
-HS Kick-up Control Work
So this went pretty badly. I feel like I need some more beginner-level HS stuff before progressing. Tripod hold with knee lifts is a good challenge, but everything else was above my level/not stuff I’m comfortable trying. Could definitely use an easier kick-up drill and very very basic forward roll progression and build from there?

Glute prep:
Mini band circuit- 2 sets:
-10 lateral steps (L/R)
-10 monster walks (forward/backward)
-5-10 clam shells ea.
-10 glute bridges
*All drills w/ mini band above knee

Build to a heavy single Front Squat
Worked up to 210, happy with the weight and how my positions looked on it even as the rep slowed down

20 cal row AFAP x5, Rest 3 min (min 1: slow pace row, min 2: walk, min 3: however you want)

:41, :44, :46, :52, :49
First two rounds felt great! Then the wheels slowly fell off. Was pulling 1900 cal/hr for most of the first two intervals, then slowly but surely regressing