
Running form drills (just 1 round of each- think of this as prep for the run):
A. Wall A position hold 20 sec. ea. leg
*Get into as much hip flexion as you can
B. Walking A March- 25 ft 
C. Walking A Skip- 25ft 
D. Walking B Walk- 25ft 
E. Walking B Skips- 25ft 
(keep these slow, if needed, stick to the B walk for 2 more sets)

Skipped all these…was feeling anxious about the run and wanted to get it over with 😦
For time: 2 mile run

17:48, which is just over a minute improvement! Super happy about that. Also, all my 400m splits (besides the last one) were with 2-3 seconds of my 2:15 pace goal. Ended on a 2:01 400m.
5 min walk w/ focus on longer exhales than inhale


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