
A. 2 hang squat snatches (above knee) x5, Rest as needed
*start light and build by feel

Went 65, 65, 65, 75, 75

As I mentioned in the other email, front of R shoulder was still feeling shitty and it didn’t improve as I warmed up so kept this super-light
B1. 2 slow snatch pull @ 85-95% (6 sec. from ground to hip) x4, Rest 1 min

105, 110, 115, 115
B2. 3 Snatch balances x4, Rest 2 min
*Light load, focus on speed and stability in catch

65lbs all sets, see above
C. 3 BS @ 85% x4, Rest 3 min

Used 175lbs — accidentally did 5 reps in the first set but otherwise everything completed

Noticed that similar to last week, my lower back feels a little weird after the back squats. No pain, just tight/compressed by the squats. That’s not something I’ve noticed before last week, so will try and warm up more/take more time to warm up DLs after squats and see if that  helps?

D. EMOM 6: 3 banded DL @ 60-75% *Slight weight increase from last week
*Focus on keeping lats active and tension in upper back to keep the bar close to you

Went up to 175lbs — realized that back was tight (see above), but DLs weren’t making it worse/didn’t have any pain
4 rounds:
8 rope pull-ups (4L/ 4R)
50ft 2-KB FR walking lunge (choose a weight that you can maintain unbroken sets with)

Skipped this — was feeling a bit frustrated with all the issues above and was a little pressed for time for staff event

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