
Went for a 2 hour hike in the AM and then didn’t get to this until 6-7pm at night. Not my usual/preferred workout time, but it was nice to get some time off my feet between hiking and lifting.

A. 2 hang squat snatches (above knee) x5, Rest as needed
*start light and build by feel

75, 80 85, 95, 100. Forced myself to break into the triples digits. Felt a little lighter than lifting from the high hang, but based on the videos, I really didn’t feel like I was finishing my pull well

B1. 2 slow snatch pull @ 80-90% (6 sec. from ground to hip) x4, Rest 1 min

100, 115, 115, 115

B2. 3 Snatch balances x4, Rest 2 min
*Light load, focus on speed and stability in catch

65 then 75lbs for the 3 remaining sets. Felt pretty fast/stable at this weight, but really out of practice on dropping the bar on my back

C. 5 BS @ 80% x3, Rest 3 min

Used 165lbs for all 3 sets. Was focusing on controlling the eccentric of the lift and not just plummeting down, which went well, but also felt like I didn’t have a lot of “pop” on the way up.

D. EMOM 6: 3 banded DL @ 60-75% 
*Focus on keeping lats active and tension in upper back to keep the bar close to you

Lower back was feeling a little tight going into this so err’d on the lighter side. Went 140lbs + nude band all sets.


4 rounds:
AMRAP inverted BB rows (bar at hip height- chest touches bar)
100ft walking lunge

10, 10, 9, 8 for the inverted row. Didn’t time this

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