
A. 2 lean away ring pullups (3-5 sec lean away) x8-10, rest as needed

8 sets – wasn’t sore after these this week!
B1. 10 single arm banded lat pull-downs ea. x3, rest as needed

completed – orange band
B2. AMSAP ring support hold w/ light ring turnout x3, rest as needed

:12, :12, :12
C1. 5-10 prone shoulder extensions x4, rest as needed
*3rd drill 

completed, 10 reps per set
C2. 3 box-supported front lever raises w. 3-5 sec hold at top of ea. rep x4, rest as needed
*Keep arms straight: https://www.instagram.com/p/BoZnBZEFsgn/

D1. AMRAP-1 straight leg box ring dips w/ pause in bottom position ea. rep x4, rest as needed
*2nd video: https://www.instagram.com/p/BqnOol-Bx37/
**work on becoming more comfortable in a deep dip postiion

5, 5, 5, 4

Still having trouble extending the elbows at the top

E. Accumulate 120 sec. in a false grip hold- in the lowest ring row position you can while being at full lockout

:30 increments
F1. 10 seated single arm overhead tricep extensions ea. x4, rest as needed

12lbs all sets
F2. 10 medball chest passes into wall AFAP @ 14# x4, rest as needed


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