
A. Squat clean;build to a max

217lbs, 2lbs PR

I will credit Ryne with the strategy of going for the mini-PR. Also, as you watch the video, you will see I caught it, came to a dead stop and still stood up. I went for 220lbs, caught it nice and upright in the bottom of the squat and just tipped the fuck over. Pull and catch position felt really good today, but this number is not going up (much) more until my front squat is higher.

217lbs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_bJDHkZngg
B. Concentric only front squats from blocks (drop from the top); 5×5; rest 3 min

95, 115, 135, 145, 155

These were interesting, can see how they would help my squat clean. 155 was pretty difficult, don’t know that I could have done much more for 5 reps today.
C. Power snatch from high blocks; 1 rep on the 30 seconds for 15 reps
@moderate load, high speed

Went 5 reps 95lbs, 7 reps 105lbs, 3 reps 115lbs

Everything went great here, love working from high blocks
15 min amrap:
15 squat clean 115#
15 deadlift 185#
Run 400m

2 rounds plus 15 squat cleans

Went all singles for the squat cleans from the beginning and 8-7 on both rounds of DLs. Limiting factors were: lower back fatigue, from the cleans rather than the deadlifts (in round 2), and not fighting through the burn of the squat cleans enough (in round 1). Also ran slow as shit in round 2, due to trying to loosen up lower back. This workout also reminded me (again) that I’m bad at squatting even moderate weights in flat shoes.

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