

AB 7 Seconds @ 100% effort
AB Easy spin 1:23

watts between 869 and 955, not my most powerful day

2:00 AB @ 200/175 watts
Rest 30 seconds
2:00 AB @250/200 watts
Rest 30 seconds
2:00 AB @300/225 watts
Rest 30 seconds
2:00 AB @350/250 watts
Rest 30 seconds
2:00 AB @400/275 watts
….. continuing until you hit an 85% effort set

Started at 175 watts and made it to 300 watts, which I think is just under my 10 min AB pace? Wasn’t feeling 100% going into this so happy to stop there.

15 Minute AB – 3-4 steps backwards from the intensity you ended on during the above piece

haha wasn’t able to hold anywhere near this for 15 min. Dialed the effort way back and just did 15 min easy pace.

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