
Power Snatch: Build to a technical heavy single for the day
up to 120. I actually I am glad I videoed because I would have stopped around 105-110 otherwise. But, everything looked good on video around that weight even though it felt sloppy so kept increasing.


3 snatch grip push press x5, Rest as needed

65, 65, 75, 75, 80. Should increase weight here next time

1 squat clean + 2 front squats x5, Rest as needed
*5 tough sets

115, 125, 125, 135, 135. Squat got slow at 135

3 DL @ 85% every 90 sec- continue until you feel a deterioration in your technique/ bar speed slows down/ or you are not able to recover within the interval

used 215, got through 5 sets. This actually was easier than I thought it would be, but felt myself getting slower after the 5th set so stopped

RNT split squat series x2
-10 reps band pulling L knee in
-10 reps band pulling L knee out
-10 reps band pulling R knee in
-10 reps band pulling R knee out


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